Monday, 1 October 2007

In Defence of Couch Potatoes

So you think we are nothing. Why, because in your conditioned and convoluted minds we do not make the picture of what one ought to be, well, should be even while every one is trying hard emulating everything we do with panache. We sit, we see, we observe. We opine. For the busy rats in the race it’s a monumental task to hark back their reigns and ponder on the ills that befall the mankind. You the normal ones are in a majority and history tells us that popular opinion is, well, never the intellectual opinion. So recognize the properties of the couch potatoes. The future is going to be foretold by them for they have the time. Fathom their inherent goodness! We are immune to the vagaries of pollution. We are never in conflict with the rule of the road. We do not come in the way of the law of the kitchen, other than when popcorn is necessary for enjoying a rib tickling comedy. We are destined to control life at our fingertips, for that we must do.
We drive with Matt Damon on the roads of Goa, become the fastest aviator in the world with Leonardo DeCaprio, make offers no one can refuse, become kings of the world riding the crest of ocean waves, save the Private Ryan, hunt for lost treasures alongside Indiana Jones, survive the nightmares on the Elm Street, dance the salsa with Vanessa “The Sexy” Williams and get to serenade the most beautiful women. Ah, it couldn’t get any better. Long live the remote.

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